Building confidence in the workplace

Accelerate employee performance. Retain valuable employees.
It all starts with confidence.

Research – and my experience as a COO of a tech company – shows that lack of confidence holds potential leaders back, especially in male-dominated workplaces. Speaking up at meetings, taking on that big project, or moving into a leadership role can be very challenging, especially for women and minorities. I empower people to close the confidence gap – the disconnect between how they see themselves and how others view them.

An absence of diversity in tech, engineering and science has serious implications for all of us. It contributes to a toxic workplace, where people are afraid to speak up, and you lose high-performing employees.

Confidence Coaching helps build more effective leaders and a more inclusive, diverse workplace.

Ultimately, employers benefit from having confident employees.

  • INNOVATION: confident employees contribute more positive ideas.
  • MOTIVATION: high EQ leaders support and motivate others and make great role models.
  • MORALE: confidence minimizes defensive behaviour like micro-aggressions, anxiety and risk-avoidance.
  • ACCOUNTABILITY: be comfortable initiating difficult conversations that improve team performance.

Group Coaching for Teams: 6-Week Positive Intelligence Bootcamp

Corporate Leadership

I bring ten years of experience as the COO of a tech company, plus a robust set of certifications and qualifications

Chartered Professional in Human Relations
Dare to Lead:
Leadership Development
Co-Founder of Lean-In Circle: Mothers in Leadership Positions
VP Membership of Declarations Toastmasters