Do networking events scare you? Does it feel awkward making small talk with people you don’t know? Would you rather go to the dentist than attend a networking event?

As a strong introvert, I have always been terrified of walking into a room filled with a bunch of strangers. But building my coaching business requires networking. In the past year, I have attended more than 30 different networking events, and I have learned a few things that might be helpful to you.

✅ Have a purpose in mind. What do you hope to achieve from attending this event? For example, meeting three new people, making one or two valuable connections, or simply having a great time.

❓Be interested more than interesting: ask great questions to get to know your fellow networkers. Instead of “what do you do?”, try “what keeps you busy?” or “what are you most passionate about?” Everyone loves to talk about themselves, and this is how you can build connections.

🤔 Prepare some topics in advance: brainstorm a few topics that might be relevant to the group beyond surface-level topics like weather and sports. At a recent networking event, I built rapport with one of the attendees by talking about our shared love of hiking.

❣️ Always give value: being of service to others is a great way to build relationships. If you can’t think of how to do this, try asking “how can I support you?” at the end of your conversation. Helping others feels amazing, and your new friend will want to help you in return.

📱 Stay in touch after the event: collect contact information and follow up with each person you meet shortly after the event. Try to remember a specific detail about your conversation and share it with them.

How can you learn to enjoy networking? Reframe it as relationship building. As you start attending the same type of events consistently, you will get to know more people. Soon, you won’t be walking into a room filled with strangers. Your new friends will introduce you to their friends, and your network expands from there.

How do you avoid social exhaustion? Predetermine how late you plan to stay. Schedule some recharge time just for yourself after the event. Find some way to reward yourself for each event you attend. And don’t book three back-to-back networking events in one night like I once did!

🚀 Networking has brought me friends, clients, referral partners, and countless other opportunities. Plus, I’ve learned to relax and have more fun at these events. Happy relationship building, my friends!

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Lots of love,


