Are you unfocused and unmotivated? Have you lost interest in the activities you used to enjoy? Do you struggle to experience joy, sadness, anger, or other emotions to the same degree as before?
You may be suffering from APATHY. Apathy is a psychological state characterized by a lack of interest in life in general. It involves a pervasive sense of indifference and a reduced capacity to experience emotions, or to care about the things you normally do. Apathy affects your relationships, work, hobbies, and daily responsibilities.
One of my clients, a busy mother in tech named Sarah, was experiencing apathy when she came to me. She was unmotivated and disengaged at work, not present with her children, and feeling a strain in her marriage 💔 She struggled to find joy in her work and home life, constantly trapped in her head, battling her own insecurities. She had unknowingly become her own worst enemy.
❓Does this sound like you?
Sarah enrolled in my 6-month Confidence Coaching program. We clarified her core values and created an action plan to help her live her life more in alignment with these values. Sarah took the Emotional Intelligence assessment to increase her self-awareness, communication skills, and confidence. She completed my Mental Fitness Bootcamp, which gave her the tools to completely change the way she talked to herself ❤️
Through coaching, Sarah began to see remarkable results. She became more confident, handling life’s stresses with resilience. She learned where to draw the line, no longer allowing negativity to consume her. The apathy cycle that had held her captive for so long was broken. She found more focus, enjoyment, and happiness in both her work and her life. She developed better relationships with her husband and her children.
Are you looking to achieve similar results?
Check out my top 5 tips on how you can break free from apathy:
- Start a gratitude practice. Use a journal, an app, or involve your family and friends. At dinner, go around the table and share what you are grateful for. It can be small things. Text your best friend with three things you are grateful for each day.
- Set achievable yearly, monthly, weekly and daily goals. Check things off the list to see your progress and to get that dopamine hit.
- Create a fitness habit. Fitness is key to confidence-building, getting out of your head, and being more focused in your life.
- Use mindfulness techniques. Be consistent with meditation and create mindful moments throughout your day. For example, take a few minutes to breathe before a work meeting, or notice the different shades of green when you are out for a walk.
- Lean on your support network. Book a session with your coach or therapist. Talk through what you are feeling with your family and friends.
Are you feeling apathetic? Sign up for one of my free Confidence Booster sessions to get some support:
Lots of love,